Nourishing Gestational Diabetes Snacks
You probably have been told that snacks are important or helpful for gestational diabetes. Maybe...
Navigating Postpartum Sugar Cravings: An Intuitive Eating Perspective
Welcome back to Nourished Journey, where we delve into the beautiful complexities of intuitive...
Gestational Diabetes Tracking Sheet: Tips & Free Download
As a gestational diabetes intuitive eating dietitian, I understand the complexities and challenges...
The Complex Relationship between Gestational Diabetes and Eating Disorders
Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) presents a unique challenge for both expectant parents and...
8 Gestational Diabetes Friendly Desserts
As a gestational diabetes dietitian, one of the most common concerns I hear from my clients is...
Can You Eat Dark Chocolate with Gestational Diabetes?
Are you wondering: “Can you eat dark chocolate with gestational diabetes? Is it safe? How will my...
Hi! I’m Emily.
I’m a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Full Spectrum Doula, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor and mom of 3.
Emily helps pregnant and postpartum folks with gestational diabetes, disordered eating and eating disorders, and body image struggles. Through a weight inclusive, anti-diet lens she helps people confidently feed themselves for a healthy pregnancy and healing postpartum journey.
Schedule a free 15 minute discovery session with me.
As a special gift to anyone who books a discovery call, you will have access to my Intuitive Eating: Explained video lesson.